Jun 24


Posted by Expert

We have received updates from many of our clients this year on their recent success securing job interviews through the power of social media. I wanted to take a moment to share some strategies that have proven successful.   Extend your resume and presence beyond job applications and career sites by creating a…

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Jun 13

How LinkedIn Can Transform Your Job Search

Posted by Expert

If you’re going to use just one social networking site in your job search, it should be LinkedIn. With far less effort than it would take to go to networking events and build contacts the old-fashioned way, LinkedIn lets you expand and utilize your professional network in a pretty dramatic way. It works…

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Jan 26

5 Job-Hunting Ideas You Haven’t Tried

Posted by Expert

One of the most frustrating aspects of job hunting is believing you’re doing everything you can and still finding yourself out of work. That’s why it’s empowering to realize you haven’t tried everything, and that new, assertive approaches will help you expand your network and land a job. Here are five action items…

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Nov 18

6 Ways to Boost Your Job Search on LinkedIn

Posted by Expert

Networking and job hunting have come a long way in the last 20 years. New research tools and the immediacy of the Internet bring job seekers directly in contact with companies and employers, allowing us to build networks that our counterparts of the past would only envy. LinkedIn continues to be the most…

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Sep 21

Is Improper Use of Social Networking Hurting Your Job Search?

Posted by Expert

If you’re looking for a job in this tough employment market, having an online presence can definitely improve your chances of landing a position.  Sites like LinkedIn and Twitter allow you to make a professional statement and provide additional information to complement your resume.  However, understanding how to properly use these sites is…

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