Student Resume & LinkedIn Profile
Are you new to the job market? Then you are probably facing that classic “Catch-22″… no one wants to hire you until you have experience… and you can’t get experience until someone hires you! We understand the unique needs of young professionals, recent graduates and students.
At Expert Business & Professional Services, we understand the unique needs of young professionals, recent graduates and students.

Get What You Deserve
First Impressions Count
LEARN MOREProfessional/Mid-Career Resume & LinkedIn Profile
A Professionally Written Resume has Three Critical Elements: Quality, Uniqueness and Strategy. Our professional resume writers know how to make you stand out from the crowd. We strategically market your skills in order to trigger positive responses.
Management Resume & LinkedIn Profile
A management resume must demonstrate your ability to implement quality improvements, anticipate and overcome obstacles, and motivate and mentor staff members. Your management resume should reflect your management style and how you drive positive results for the organizations you have worked for.

Your Future is Our Vision
National Recognized Experts in this Highly Specialized Field
LEARN MOREPharmaceutical/Medical Device Resume & LinkedIn Profile
Our professional resume writers are nationally recognized experts in developing resumes for sales and other professional careers in pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries. Whether you are New to the Pharmaceutical Industry or an Experienced Professional in the Field, having a resume written by Expert Business & Professional Services makes the difference.
Technical Resume & LinkedIn Profile
We know that Technical resumes require special attention and techniques because of their highly detailed and technical nature. Technical resumes demand careful organization, an efficient and effective design, and a strong focus on results. That’s why we’ve designed a special category of products specifically for Technical professionals.

Stand Out From Your Competition
Showcase Your Unique Brand
LEARN MOREExecutive Resume & LinkedIn Profile
The competition gets tough at the top, therefore it is crucial to present yourself as the complete package—a product and asset a company will want to acquire. The backbone of your executive resume should be supported by growth-oriented, bottom line results, with key examples of how these were achieved, while showcasing your unique personal brand.
A Professionally Written Resume has Three Critical Elements: Quality, Uniqueness and Strategy.
Curriculum Vitae/CV & LinkedIn Profile
If you’re in one of the many specialized career fields where a Curriculum Vitae (CV) is traditionally utilized, our professional CV writers craft detailed, yet concise and effective CVs. Expert knows how to tackle the enormous task of organizing your career data and crafting it into an effective and dynamic CV!

Achieve Extraordinary Results
Position Yourself for Success
LEARN MOREMilitary/Military Transition Resume & LinkedIn Profile
Military professionals of all ranks and pay grades face a unique situation when the time comes to transition to a civilian career path. A military career encompasses a wide range of skill sets and experiences, but often times it can be difficult to translate military skill sets and experiences into civilian terminology! Expert is uniquely aware of the needs of transitioning military professionals and is a nationally recognized expert on this field.
Federal Resume
Whether you want advancement within the government or would like to pursue a new career with them, our Federal Resume Writers know how to craft a Federal resume that gets you on the Best Qualified List! Expert offers the best individualized service for 1st-time Federal job seekers, as well as current employees up to executives in the Senior Executive Service.

National Recognized Experts in this Highly Specialized Field