Our Blog

Jan 12

App-ly yourself to the job search

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For the busy jobseeker – and is there any other kind? – the job search can be more convenient than ever. Several new iPhone applications put potential openings at your fingertips whether at home, on the couch or at the local coffee shop. Mployd.com, a website that connects subscribing companies, human resource managers…

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Jan 5

Florida job market should improve slightly in 2011, forecasters say

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Florida's job market will improve here and there, but a full recovery is still far away, according to a new economic forecast. The state's unemployment rate is expected to bump up and remain around 11.8 percent, and finally begin a decline, but an extremely slow one, according to a forecast from the Florida…

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Dec 10

Keep the Job Search Going Through the Holidays

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With all the extra hustle and bustle associated with the holiday season, it can be particularly tough to set aside time to focus on your job search.  However, the holidays can actually be a great time to re-energize your job search for several reasons.  First of all, you’ll have much more contact with…

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Nov 18

6 Ways to Boost Your Job Search on LinkedIn

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Networking and job hunting have come a long way in the last 20 years. New research tools and the immediacy of the Internet bring job seekers directly in contact with companies and employers, allowing us to build networks that our counterparts of the past would only envy. LinkedIn continues to be the most…

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Nov 11

‘Tis the season for creative job hunting tactics

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If you're already starting to hate the holidays for draining your bank account while you don't have a job, there is still a plus side to the season. The holiday months of November and December are prime times to get out to the multitude of networking events while companies are tidying up their…

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