Recruiters and HR professionals are first searching through LinkedIn for candidates to fill their most important positions. With this information, job candidates should be leveraging their LinkedIn profiles to secure an exciting new career.


The first thing that you see when viewing someone’s profile is the Headline. By default LinkedIn uses your most recent position title as your Headline. Just because LinkedIn chooses to do so does not mean you have to keep it. Change your headline to a keyword-rich and compelling statement.


For example; You work in logistics and the company you work for lists your job title as “Team Leader of Flow” but at most other companies your position would carry the title of Logistics Manager – take the opportunity to change your LinkedIn headline to “Logistics Management Professional” instead of the default title LinkedIn applies to your headline. That’s a great searchable term on LinkedIn that you can use in your headline.


Any true professional should be leveraging LinkedIn in today’s market. If you need help or have questions about your LinkedIn profile please contact one of our writers today to personally work on your LinkedIn profile—and dramatically improve your response and online presence.


Visit our LinkedIn profile development page, and then contact us for more information or for any questions you may have.