Jun 6

Today, on the 70th Anniversary of D-Day

Posted by Expert

Today, on the 70th Anniversary of D-Day, we at Expert Business & Professional Service, Inc.  honor the “Greatest Generation” of brave Americans and their sacrifice for our freedom and liberty that we enjoy today. We remain in awe of the sacrifices they willingly and selflessly made to liberate the world from evil.  …

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Apr 15

Happy Passover!!

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Feb 6

Haven’t Yet Created a LinkedIn® Profile???

Posted by Expert

  If you haven’t yet created a LinkedIn® Profile, you’re missing out on a valuable digital tool in your job search process. Social media sites such as LinkedIn® provide great networking opportunity to boost your career and connect with other professionals. A 2013 survey by Jobing House indicated that social recruiting is on…

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Jan 27

Top 7 Job Search Tips for 2014

Posted by Expert

The best thing about a new year is that it gives you a chance to get things moving in positive and constructive directions. While it is never too late to make changes or adjustments in your job search or career development, now is a good time to review your goals for 2014. Here’s…

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Jan 16

Results Oriented Keywords & Recognition Keywords

Posted by Expert

Results Oriented Keywords  All employers are looking for employees who will add value and generate positive results for their organization. That’s why it’s critical to integrate results oriented language into your resume and cover letter. Think about the bottom line for each job on your resume and how you might have made things…

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Dec 16

Start Off the New Year with a Revamped Resume & Social Media Presence

Posted by Expert

Fine-tuning an Outdated Resume and LinkedIn Profile is Key to A New Career in 2014 – Visit MyExpertResume.com for more information. With more and more companies moving into the South Florida area, fabulous job opportunities are located right here in the heart of your community. Making a great impression on a potential employer…

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Dec 11

How to Write Your LinkedIn Profile Headline

Posted by Expert

Recruiters and HR professionals are first searching through LinkedIn for candidates to fill their most important positions. With this information, job candidates should be leveraging their LinkedIn profiles to secure an exciting new career.   The first thing that you see when viewing someone’s profile is the Headline. By default LinkedIn uses your…

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Nov 11

Veteran’s Day

Posted by Expert

Expert Business and Professional Services, Inc. would like to pay tribute to all men and women who served in the U.S. military. A day we honor sacrifices of time, blood or life. Thank you!   We’re living in a free country, and today we honor those men and women who put themselves on…

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Oct 9

Key Words & Cover Letters

Posted by Expert

When you are writing a cover letter, it’s important to make sure that every word counts. Your cover letters should enhance the employer’s appreciation of your qualifications so you can move from applicant to interviewee. Keywords are a vital element of a persuasive cover letter which portrays the candidate as a highly qualified…

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Sep 11

Never Forget.

Posted by Expert

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