The gyms are a little less crowded; people are cheating on their diets again; and cigarettes have been relit. Yes, it’s February and that means our New Year’s resolutions are on their way to being broken. But there’s one resolution you shouldn’t break:  As the economy continues to show signs of improvement, now is not the time to give up on your job search.  Here are ways to stick to your resolution of finding a job in 2011:

Build a network

Make a list of at least 100 people, and continue to add new contacts.  Ask friends and colleagues to introduce you to new people and develop relationships with those individuals.  A diverse network can provide diverse ideas when it comes to your resume, job search and potential leads. 

Scrap your old resume

Take the time to look back over your career with a fresh perspective. Examine every detail and responsibility of each of your previous jobs.  Taking the time to make your resume more relevant could make a difference.

Broaden your horizons

Do not pigeonhole yourself in one possible career or specific industry. Consider how your skills might translate to another career, and what benefits they could bring to an employer in a different sector.

Stop blindly searching for employment

Apply for fewer jobs and put your efforts into tailoring your application documents to meet the requirements for each position. That will give you a better chance of finding work, and also reduce the risk of embarrassing mistakes.

Prepare for your interview

You need to make sure you are prepared for any possible interview scenario that may arise. And come prepared to ask real questions, too, such as: “Do you have a leadership development program?”  Do not ask about salary and benefits. 

Research is key 

You’re not getting a job with Goldman Sachs if you drew a blank when asked, “So what do you know about Goldman Sachs?” If you don’t care enough to research a company before being hired, it says to the interviewer that you are clearly not motivated enough to work there. 

Promise to have fun

Do not become consumed with fear. Having some fun will actually keep you focused on the daily tasks of the job search. Take a break and stay active so that the job search doesn’t get you down. A more positive attitude will yield better results.