Our Blog

Aug 6

Private jobs up 71,000 in July; Unemployment rate unchanged

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Private employers added 71,000 jobs in July; unemployment rate unchanged at 9.5%. Private employers added workers at a weak pace for the third straight month in July. The Labor Department says companies added 71,000 jobs, far below the roughly 200,000 needed each month to reduce the unemployment rate. The unemployment…

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Aug 4

Land a job: Promote the brand of You

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(Money Magazine) -- Think branding is only for celebrities and cola companies? Think again. Today whatever reputation you have is spreading quickly across the Internet, thanks to Google, industry blogs, and social-networking sites. (Even failing to turn up on search engines says something about you.) That makes it critically important to take control…

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Aug 3

Prep for Your Job Interview as if it’s a Test

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Now is the time to make sure you're prepared for that next big interview you've been hoping to get. Think of it like taking a test in high school or college. Unless you've mastered the subject already, some extra studying can really pay off. Do some basic research. Find out as much as…

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Jul 30

Job Search Fundamentals – Are You a Five-Tool Player?

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One of the things our son's baseball coach drilled into his players was: "Learn the fundamentals!" Be it baseball or job search, learning the fundamentals will serve you well in the long run, and in the short run. Of course, we all want to hit a home run and knock it outta' the…

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Jul 23

Dress for Success: What to Wear in an Interview

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You’ve heard it before. Your first impression can make you or break you when it comes to a job interview. And when it comes to making a dynamic first impression, it’s key you dress for the job you want. Making sure you look the part not only packages you as a ready-to-hire employee,…

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