Our Blog

Aug 27

Determining the Best Places to Post Your Resume

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DELAND, FL -- There are literally thousands of online job boards and niche career websites online these days. Before you jump onto your computer and start posting your resume, make sure you develop your 2010 job search strategy. When putting together your plan, identify what kind of job boards will be best for…

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Aug 18

to be a good listener…

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“Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view. ” - Dale Carnegie Think of LADDER to be a good listener • Look at the other person. • Ask questions. • Don't interrupt. • Don't change the subject. • Express emotion with control. • Respond appropriately.

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Aug 12

Finding a Culture for Success

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If you’ve ever found yourself in a company that doesn’t value your skills, you’ll appreciate the discussion on finding the right corporate culture for the skills you bring to an organization. In this post, we’ll take a quick look at how you can overcome a very common barrier for moving your career to…

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Aug 10

Laid-off Broward teachers get good news

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As the mother of two kids who attend a public school in Broward, I was saddened to hear this morning that their music teacher, who retired last year, was not being replaced. So much for having a well-rounded education! But, on a positive note, there’s news out of Broward County Public Schools that…

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Aug 10

Unemployment: What Would Reagan Do?

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Friday's grim labor report is the latest confirmation that our economy is not recovering. A loss of 131,000 jobs and a stagnant 9.5% unemployment rate are bad enough. But a deeper look—at the little-known civilian employment-population ratio—shows how hard it's going to be to pull out of our crisis, and why the Obama…

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