5 Federal Resumes Tips From a Professional Resume Writer
Sep 19

5 Federal Resumes Tips From a Professional Resume Writer

Posted by My Expert Resume

Submitting a federal resumes isn’t like applying for a job in the private sector.  When applying for a federal job, submitting an accurate and well written resume is only part of what it takes to get the job.  Federal resumes need to cover a lot of ground and those looking over a big stack…

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7 Common Problems with Executive Resumes
Sep 19

7 Common Problems with Executive Resumes That Professional Resume Writers Can Fix

Posted by My Expert Resume

Executive resumes often lack a few key elements that help secure an interview.  It’s not uncommon for there to be several small problems with an executive resume that contribute to a hiring manager looking it over and tossing it to the side.  Professional resume writers know which changes to make to an executive…

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Professional Resume Writers Help Medical Device Sales Representatives Get Hired
Sep 19

7 Ways Professional Resume Writers Help Medical Device Sales Representatives Get Hired

Posted by My Expert Resume

Medical device sales resumes need to prove that a salesperson can build relationships, drive sales and get results.  Since it takes a large variety of skills to be able to get the sale, it can be hard to convey why a candidate is a perfect fit on paper.  For medical device sales representatives,…

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IT Resume Writer
Jul 20

5 Signs an IT Resume Writer Could Help Get an Interview

Posted by My Expert Resume

IT resume writers,like those at Expert Business and Professional Services, can be essential to the job hunt in Plantation, Florida. In a field as competitive as information technology, applicants need to stand out more than in the past. IT resume writers aid applicants in know what they should put in their resume and…

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When on the hunt the for a job in Plantation, Florida, choosing to a hire a mid-level resume writer is a difficult choice. Those looking to land a mid-level management position usually have less expendable income around. That alone makes even thinking about hiring a mid-level resume writer a day dream for some.
Jul 20

6 Things a Mid-Level Resume Writer Should Recommend

Posted by My Expert Resume

When on the hunt the for a job in Plantation, Florida, choosing to a hire a mid-level resume writer is a difficult choice.  Those looking to land a mid-level management position usually have less expendable income around.  That alone makes even thinking about hiring a mid-level resume writer a day dream for some. …

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LinkedIn Profile
Dec 17

A Professional Resume Writer Can Help Grab The Attention of A Future Employer with a LinkedIn Profile.

Posted by My Expert Resume

Looking for work in this day and age requires more than walking door-to-door in a suit with a smile and a handshake. With the proliferation of professional internet networking, standing out in an ever-growing crowd seeking the best jobs in 2019 requires a findable and professional LinkedIn Profile in addition to an outstanding…

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Professional Resume Writer
Oct 29

3 Signs A Professional Resume Writer in Fort Lauderdale is Just What You Need to Land A Job

Posted by My Expert Resume

Writing a resume sounds like a simple enough task at first – write down your past work experience on one page to give a potential employer an idea of what you can bring to the company. This simple task, however, requires a laser focus on what matters to modern employers. Applying for work…

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Professionally Written Resume
Jul 9

A Professionally Written Resume is the Key to Job Hunting Success in Plantation or Fort Lauderdale

Posted by My Expert Resume

It is more important these days than ever to have a resume which speaks to employers.  Your resume is often the first impression potential employers will have of you; as everyone knows, the first impression is crucial and rarely is there an opportunity for a second chance. Your resume is likely the only…

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four professional men and women
Feb 24

Tips for Staying Competitive in Today’s Job Market

Posted by My Expert Resume

Changes in today’s modern job market reflect the evolution of society. Everyone is online when shopping or researching for just about anything – to include the selection of new employees. While the proliferation of Internet use in people’s offices and handheld devices has made an impact on how employers make their selections, what…

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a person watching the view over the city from a highrise window
Feb 24

Executive Resume Trends and Advice for 2018

Posted by My Expert Resume

The beginning of a new year inspires reflection on the year past which often results in setting new goals.  These goals range from getting in shape, starting new creative projects, to changing career paths. The platform for expressing interest in a new job has evolved significantly over the past 30-40 years. Most businesses…

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